Three Marketing Predictions for 2023 and Beyond
The marketing tides are turning. As cookies are slowly phasing out of our digital diet, and culture and context become king, it's necessary to understand where the hearts, minds, and wallets of your audience are moving towards. Here are three marketing predictions that we, at Jade Media, think that marketers should be paying attention for 2023 and beyond.
Deconsolidating to Diversify
In the coming years people will consciously deconsolidate their free time, their professional roles, and their communities. They will also begin moving their dollars away from big brands, social platforms, and large retailers. Audiences will start to shop local, work on independent vocational projects, and seek out micro-communities that reflect their values back to them. Technology that carves out niches, incubates community, and goes deep within passion points will continue to rise. Platforms like Twitch, Discord, Patreon, and Substack, will have more mass appeal as people search for their people online, beyond their people offline they’ve connected with on social media.
What does this mean for your brand?
Your values hold value to your audience. How can you show them that you know them and are aligned with what they care about?
Elevate lifestyle elements related to your brand that center on creating community
Be willing to experiment with additional platforms that help you to cultivate community with your customers.
Personalization has been trending as of late. It’s as important as ever to serve the right content to the right person, at the right time, and on the right device. As privacy concerns rise from targeted marketing strategies, PERSON-alization is the next trend on the rise. With the rise of TikTok, YouTube shorts, and mobile vertical video, consumers will be expecting to see the real people behind brands. They will be craving ways to be entertained, educated, inspired, and feel kinship with the brands that they love. Brands will be expected to act more human, removing the veneer, and showing their FACE (or give credibility and capital to trusted faces) to their consumers.
What does this mean for your brand?
No more hiding behind stylized posts with generic captions that give nothing to the audience other than something to look at.
How can you humanize your content more with interactive in-app tools, questions to your audience, or showing the humans behind your brand?
Hyper Consumption to Hyper Creation
Following the throughline of deconsolidation, consumers will continue to go deeper into DIY in the coming year. We should expect to see more people growing their own food, making home furnishings, sewing their own clothes, and moving away from hyperconsumption to hyper-creation. This ability to make what you need vs. the convenience of buying what you need may also be seen as a socioeconomic marker of privilege that allows you to opt into having a slower, softer, and more intentional life.
What does this mean for your brand?
How can you show people behind the scenes and under the hood of your brand so that they can take inspiration from you beyond just buying your product.
Are there DIY products, services that supplement your brand, product, or service? (i.e a tea company that encourages clay making dishes or cups)
Stay tuned to our blog for more marketing and consumer trends. If you to want to apply these tactics to your marketing strategy, contact us to book a consultation.