How to survive the De-influencing Era

If you’ve been on social media over the last few weeks you may have heard that latest word to enter our collective lexicon, “deinfluencing.” Defined as the act of a creator using their influence to tell followers what products NOT to buy, this may seem like nothing especially notable. While product reviews, both positive and negative, are nothing new we at Jade believe that the deinfluencing trend represents a deeper culture shift that none of us can afford to ignore. The explosion of deinfluencing content across social platforms represents a growing backlash to hyper consumption and the perceived inauthenticity of parasocial creator/follower relationships. Tired of the constant pressure to consume, audiences and creators are pushing back.

So how can your brand survive and thrive in the deinfluencer era? Check out a few of our tips below.

  • Adhere diligently to FTC guidelines

    • Hidden disclosures and lack of brand attribution are an immediate no. Be forthcoming about your partnerships with pride.

  • Lean away from trend based marketing

    • Showcase how your brand/product/service has lasting value versus just being of the moment.

  • Partner with influencers who are known to keep it real

    • Audiences are savvier than you think and know who they can trust. Utilize partners who have real relationships with their followers, prioritizing community over scale.

  • Spotlight user reviews and feedback 

    • Lean on non-influencer content to showcase your brand’s value. Your consumers talking authentically about your product are as real as it gets.

Stay tuned to our blog for more tips and reach out for your brand strategy needs.


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